Staff and Faculty Emergency Fund

The Staff & Faculty Emergency Fund (SFEF), has been created to provide support for 菠菜网lol正规平台 staff and faculty in need. The SFEF provides limited financial assistance to eligible staff and faculty who are experiencing a temporary hardship due to a significant unforeseen life event. Awards in the form of grants, will vary according to the needs of the individuals, but will not exceed $1000. Grants do not need to be repaid.

The SFEF is managed by University Personnel, and awards are determined by an SFEF Committee appointed by the Senior Associate Vice President. Payments from the SFEF are limited and not intended to provide ongoing relief for recurring expenses.

The SFEF is possible due to the generous donations of caring San José State colleagues and community members. Longevity of the SFEF is dependent upon continuous donations. Your contributions are critical and appreciated!


Please review the Staff & Faculty Emergency Fund Help and FAQs for additional details on eligibility criteria and the application process. Inquiries may also be sent to